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Dan, King for a Day

We all left Massanutten VA this morning between 7:30 and 8:30 and I arrived home at 6:00 p.m. I just want to tell you about Dan's service on Wednesday.

The morning started out rainy and then overcast as we made our 2 1/2 hour drive to Arlington. After meeting with the priest and friends who came for the ceremony, as we started our march up the hill, the sun came out and stayed out. Now what does that tell you? I know Dan was right there with us. It was just a beautiful, awesome ceremony.

We drove to the bottom of a hill and met the horse drawn carriage with caisson, and a full Naval band. The naval men transferred the ashes to the caisson and the band played. That part was amazing. There were 16 of my family, my brother, sister-in-law and nephew, and 5 other friends who marched with us. When we got up to the top of the hill, the ceremony began to remove the ashes and place the container on a table under the covered pavillion. Some of us were then seated for a prayer service led by Fr. Finnagan, along with the flag unfolding and the 21 gun salute. Taps and America were played. My 4 children were invited to carry the ashes to the niche and Carol carried the box and placed it inside. She got to say "goobye Dad" as she placed them inside. There is a beautiful fountain there and it's up on a hill overlooking the grounds. It couldn't have been more special. i wish you could have seen Fiona (6) and Michael (4) standing hand in hand by the fountain, their backs to us. Fiona is such a little mother to him.


My brother and sister-in-law had us all over for dinner afterwards and had set it up in their backyard - so festive and pretty and fun. There were still predictions of possible showers, but I just told Dan he needed help get us through the party before it rained, and he did. We arrived there about 4:30 and left about 8:30 for our long drive back to Massanutten.

Our week was called "The Arlington Journey" and Wednesday was the day we had all been building up to. We had a wonderful time being together and celebrating Dan's life.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 12, 2008 7:10 PM.

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