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The Butterfly

On Wednesday while we were at Big Canoe, Carol, Fiona, Michael and I went to Helen, GA to go tubing down the Chattahoochee. We signed up for the "short" ride which was about an hour and a half. Fiona and Michael had to wear life jackets because they were under the age of 10, though you could easily stand up in the water and it came about to our knees.

When we were about half way through our time, a butterfly landed on Michael's life jacket. Fiona saw it first and told Michael. Now, Michael is not ever still, you know, but that butterfly just moved around from back to front, always staying on Michael's life jacket through the rest of the ride. When we got to the point where we had to get off the tube, I thought the butterfly would fly away, but it did not. It stayed with Michael all through his getting out of the tube and walking on up the bank. When we got up to the top of the bank, Fiona said "Michael, you have to take off your life jacket - let me take the butterfly." So, she put her finger out, and the butterfly climbed right onto it.

Michael took the jacket off, hung it on a hook, and the butterfly flew right back to Michael and landed on his shirt. It stayed with Michael all the way as we walked up to get on the bus. When we went up the stairs of the bus, the butterfly flew onto the handle by the driver of the bus. It stayed there until we got rode back up the hill and the driver opened the door. Then it flew out the door.

That was grandaddy, you know. He was always playing tricks on us and he just had to be there with us and let us know he was! It's a fun memory.

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