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Big Canoe

Carol, Bob, David and Andrew joined me at Big Canoe on July 30th for a week. We stayed at Petit Crest Villas, a time share exchange. Ted came up and spent the day with us on Saturday. Jami came up on Sunday and brought Fiona and Michael. The children stayed and Jami returned to Athens later that day. Kathy and Jeb rented a very nice cottage at the top of the mountain for 4 nights and Claire and Kelly came with them. They arrived on Friday. Jeb and Kelly had to go home on Sunday night because they both had to go to work on Monday.

On Monday, all of us at Petit Crest and Kathy and Claire went to Amicalola Falls and climbed to the top of the falls, then came back down the steps along side the falls. They are the highest point in Georgia and the falls are beautiful. We walked up on a wooded path and we all made it to the top - even Michael! Yea!

The highlight for Fiona was the rock slide. She slid down 19 times over the week, in spite of all of the times when the slide was closed because of thunder or because there were not enough life guards. The beach area is so nice and includes a salt water olympic pool, paddle boats, canoes, volley ball court, grills, restaurant, and the famous rock slide. We also got to use another pool by the north gate and it had a huge baby pool with water buckets and umbrella sprinklers.

On Wednesday, the Petit Crest gang split up. Bob, David and Andrew met UT at the DOT office near 6 Flags and they all went to 6 Flags. It was so hot, but the roller coasters were awesome (as reported by Bob). Carol, Fiona, Michael and I went to Helen, GA and went tubing. The water was cool and refreshing and the ride was about an hour and a half. We then picnicked by the river and watched the tubers.

big-canoe-water-snake.jpgThursday was my b'day. Grant came up early enough for us to all take a hike to the Upper Falls and Lower Falls. There was a water moccasin at the Lower Falls and Grant got up really close to take pictures, and only had flip flops on. While we were hiking, Eric surprised me with a call from New Mexico to wish me a happy birthday and we talked a long time.

After we got back, Jeb was there. Nicole called me from Armenia to wish me a happy birthday and it was another wonderful surprise! Then, we went over to the North Gate pool and Bob grilled some awesome hamburgers. They hung a birthday sign and we all wore party hats. A coconut cake topped it off. And, of course, the very loud Cashin/Ettensohn Happy Birthday Song! Then we all swam until we were run off by thunder. We had had enough, anyhow. For dinner, we went to a Mexican restaurant. Grant, Fiona and Michael left for Athens after dinner, and Jeb went back to Snellville.

It was a good week. I hope everybody had as much fun as I did. I am so blessed with such good children and grandchildren.

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