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Happy Birthday, Jeb

Carol called tonight about 7:00 and asked what I was doing this time 45 years ago. I told her that I had picked Patsy up at the airport and we were riding in the Varsity to get some dinner. In those days, they had curb-side service and the guys would hop on your car and ride with you to wherever you parked it and take your order. Patsy was only 16 and she was in "Hog Heaven" (the right place to be - at the Varsity). Dad was in Sumpter, SC on business, and Jeb wasn't suppose to be making his appearance this early, but lo and behold, I went into labor the very next morning and Auntie P drive me down 85 to St. Joseph's Hospital in the heart of downtown Atlanta. She had not had a driver's license very long since she has just turned 16 in January. I remember her complaining that she was sorry she had not remembered to bring her sunglasses because everybody else driving their cars on 85 had on sunglasses.

Patsy and I checked into the hospital and it wasn't long before Dr. Weinburg helped me to deliver a 7 pound beautiful baby boy. Patsy was the first one to see Jeb. Dan came home as soon as he found out and was there when I woke up. It was a very happy day and the beginning for lots of happiness that Jeb has brought to me and Dad for the past 45 years. Thank you, son.


Comments (4)


That's a great story and funny that Patsy would be worried about her sunglasses.


Hey Jeb!! Happy 45th!! Wowee, it seems I was JUST 45 recently. Wasn't I? I can't remember.....ha!! Hope you have a great birthday. Love, Auntie P


Wow, what a relief! I thought the story was going to end with Jeb being born on I-85 having been delivered by his 16-year-old aunt! Not even sunglasses would have helped Patsy then!


This is one of those stories you hear every time your mom and her sister are together. I almost feel like I was there.
Jeb has brought me lots of happiness over the years too.
Thanks for making him for me Mom and Dad.

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