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Recipe For Happiness

For: Nicole, Danny, Eric, Kelly, David, Mary Claire, Andrew, Fiona and Michael
From: Gramalie

1. We are creatures of habit. Form habits that you are proud of or don’t mind admitting.

2. Start each day with a prayer (as long or short as you have time for), but try at least to thank God for “You” and ask Him to help you to make a difference in someone’s life that day.

3. Be a leader when you know deep down that it is the right thing to do.

4. Search for happy thoughts, and don’t let things like greed, jealousy, or feeling sorry for yourself possess you.

5. When you feel lonely (and everybody has those moments, so it’s o.k.), think of a way you could brighten someone else’s day – and do it!

6. When someone goes the extra mile for you, return that mile to someone else. There’s always someone you know who could really use some thoughtfulness from you.

7. Smile more than frown. It’s not always easy to smile, but when you do it works two ways:
(a) it brings a little happiness to the person you are smiling at --- and
(b) it brings even more happiness to you.

8. When something good happens and you know it – STOP – savor the moment and plant it firmly in your memory.

9. Put something “big” in your future – to plan for, dream about, and hope for – something you know can happen and you can make it happen. When it happens, enjoy, be proud that it worked, write it down so you can remember the details and enjoy reading it for years to come! Then – plan something else.

10. Be a friend. Treat others the way you would like for them to treat you.

11. It’s easy to get caught up in a project or job and allow it to take all of your attention. Keep one antenna up so you can plug in to your family and friends. Remember, they are not involved with that project – but they are involved with you.

12. Allow people the joy of doing something for you. A hug is sometimes all they need in return.

13. If you are having a “bad day”, chalk it off as “just a bad day”, and start the next day with a prayer and a song. Don’t let “bad days” become “bad weeks”, “bad months” or “bad years”. Remember, you are in control of you.

14. Keep a diary of your vacations. Write at the end of each day, not at the end of the vacation. You’ll be glad you did!

15. Eat, exercise, and rest sensibly. It takes all three of those to stay well and strong, but also helps you to be ready for whatever comes.

16. Read something each day to enrich your mind and add new depths to your way of thinking, feeling and being. (i.e.: a news essay, the Bible, a poem, etc)

17. Keep your “what ifs” in the future. Don’t look back and say “what if”. You can’t change the past – but you can think through great possibilities for things to come.

18. Let the person(s) who loves you the most know that you love them, too – OFTEN! Tell them, show them.

19. Frequently analyze something in nature – a rose, a sunset, a tree, a mountain, - and allow yourself to be in awe of these wonders.

20. Don’t quit or give up when you are striving for something worthwhile. There are always more options! Believe in yourself!

21. Take time to make a difference for someone you don’t know. Reach out a helping hand where you see the need. You don’t have to give your entire savings or your entire time, but every little bit makes a difference.

22. Be aware of preserving our natural resources. Take care of and pride in Mother Earth!

23. Enjoy family gatherings. Use them as opportunities for bonding. Blood is thicker than water.

24. Take time to listen. Take time to share. That’s the pulse of relationships.

25. Be generous with compliments and stingy with criticism.

26. When in doubt, pray and be still for a while. Then carry on with faith and trust. Same thing goes for fear, anxiety and confusion.

27. Allow yourself to forgive someone who hurts you. Those who hurt others are most often hurting, themselves.

28. Get to really know yourself and like yourself. It’s much easier to like others if you like YOU.

29. Know always that I love you very much.

Comments (1)


Dear Grammalie,

This is a wonderful list you have written! Thank you! You should be proud of yourself, as well as my mom and dad, for I distinctly remember them teaching me many of these same things as I was growing up; your advice is being passed through the generations.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 27, 2006 3:16 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Happy Birthday, Jeb.

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