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Saturday April 29

Today started as a pleasent day and got better. Julie was off to play tennis and I left to meet Jeb and watch Kelly play soccer. Kelly was a very determined player but her team was undergirled. They did, however, shut out the other team's goalie by not letting her touch a single ball. We left for our house and to meet Mom and Ted for a lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs with ice cream for dessert. Ted and Jeb then proceeded to complete a list of "to do's" I made. They cut the lawns, trimed the three sisters, the nandinas, the box woods, the hedge on the side of the house, the azelias and cleared the dirt and leaves under the deck steps. Since Jeb cut the grass I didn't have to give up my coupon from Ted. Kelly beat me in a putting contest and received the first metal trophey she had ever received. She was able to run the "around the house" course in 20 seconds and then Jeb and Ted tied at 19 seconds. I didn't try it. After we all agreed an a job well done we proceeded inside the house and had a drink. My thanks to Jeb, Ted, Mom and Kelly for a very nice day. Dad

Comments (4)


As we were finishing the yard work, Mom said, "We should do this more often." I've always wondered why not get together and do work instead of just sitting around. If a bunch of us worked on one persons house each week, we could net do the same amount of work, but all enjoy each others company. Sort of like how the Amish build houses.

I also poured a cement footer for the leaning mailbox. This got Dad out of trouble since Mom would see the leaning mailbox every time she came home. You're welcome Dad.


Thank you Jeb for the mail box renovation. I also failed to mention that Kelly finished a 5 star difficulty Sudoku puzzle much to my amazement. That girl is one smart cookie. Dad, again


Grandaddy, I like your entry. I would like to help compmlete the list too! Next time there is a work gathering, please let me know.


I wish I could have been there to see that 19 second race.
Sending love and prayers from miles away. Good luck tomorrow Dad.

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