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D. J.

Pamela Sue S. is our neighbor who has a condo above ours in Mulberry. I called her last night to tell her that we would not be coming down because Dan will have another catherization on his heart next Tuesday. She immediately said that she would pray for him. I have many Jewish friends, but I don't think any of them have ever said they would pray for me. I appreciated that.

Then she told me that Dennis' son, D. J. who is 26 years old has gotten his girlfirend pregnant and he wants Dennis to pay for a wedding. Well, Dennis, said that is the bride's family responsibility, but knowing Dennis, he will probably end up paying for the wedding. Dennis is the person in charge of the upkeep of our condos and he is a really great guy.

D. J. has never had a real job, but now that he is going to have a wife and a baby, he decided he should try to get a real job. Dennis told Pamela Sue yesterday morning that D. J. had a job interview yesterday morning and he was so thankful that he had actually gotten an interview. Pamela Sue told Dennis that he should put some money in the poor box at the Catholic Church (keep in mind that Pamela Sue is Jewish) and Dennis asked if she would do it for him. She said "well, you should really light a candle, too." So, Dennis pulled out a $20 bill for the poor box and two $1 bills to light candles for both of his sons. Now, Pamela Sue was going to the YMCA to work out and doesn't like to have anybody elses money she is responsible for, so she went straight to St. Josephs Church, downtown Lakeland. She looked all over for a poor box, but could not find one. She saw a little old (about 90) man who was stooped and she went to him and asked him if he could tell her where the poor box was. Turns out he was a visiting retired priest. He said he didn't believe there was a poor box. So, PS said she would just give the money to him and that he could pray for D. J. that he would get a job. The priest said he would make sure the money got to the poor, but that he would pray for him right away. This was at 11:00 a.m.

Later on that day, Dennis told Pamela Sue that D. J. had actually gotten the job at noon.

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