Alexander Grant, Sr.

This week I started doing some research on the internet on my ancestors. This started by finding out about Dr. Eugenio Sierra and then I started trying to connect the dots in between. While Sierra was from Spain, another branch of the family goes back to Scotland and the name Grant. I knew Grant was a Scottish name and that the Grants were a clan in Scotland. So this Scottish heritage goes back to the 1800’s when Alexander Grant comes to New Orleans from Scotland. He is my great great great grandfather. I’m thinking he had some money because he bought a couple of sugar plantations around New Orleans (in Plaquemines Parish, which is famous for being so devastated by Hurricane Katrina; hurricanes caused problems for Grant as well), ran stores in New Orleans, and owned a bunch of property there. He certainly had a house in New Orleans, though it isn’t there anymore. Here is a picture of the house, taken in the 1930’s:


One of the plantations is now known as Stella Plantation, which their website says was bought by Alexander Grant in 1845, and is now available to host weddings. I found an environmental document by the Corps of Engineers that did some research on property that a Corps project would impact. They went over the property records and determined that Alexander Grant bought Nairn plantation in 1848 (Nairn is a town in Scotland where a lot of Grants are from, but apparently the plantation was already called Nairn when Grant bought it).

Nairn Plantation and Catharine Plantation (also owned by Grant, and probably became Stella Plantation since they are both on the right bank, while Nairn is on the left bank) show up in publications in the early 1860’s that give sugar production totals for Louisiana. Sugar was a big business and its importance lives on with the Sugar Bowl being held in New Orleans. Although it is at the Superdome now, it used to be held at the Tulane stadium, which itself had been a sugar plantation. The booklet gave sugar production by the number of hogsheads produced. I didn’t know what a hogshead was. Wikipedia says it is a large barrel used for alcoholic drinks, but also tobacco and sugar. While the article doesn’t give an amount of sugar in a hogshead, it has a line that says hogsheads were a popular measurement for sugar production in Louisiana in the 19th century. That’s pretty specific. Searching further for an answer, I found a reference to a “sugar hogshead” in Huckleberry Finn, which was where the homeless Huck Finn slept. The best answer came from the back of the pamphlet itself where the writer acknowledged that not all hogsheads are the same size, but that it seemed like the only unit common to all of the growers. He determined that the amount of sugar produced divided by the number of hogsheads gave about 1,150 pounds per hogshead. In 1860-61, the Nairn and Catharine plantations produced 128 and 260 hogsheads of sugar out of a total for Louisiana of 229,000. In 1861-62, production was up to 460 and 350 hogsheads, but overall production was up too at 459,000. The pamphlet says there were over 1,000 growers, so it looks like Grant’s plantations were about average. You can click the pages below for a bigger image and see Alexander Grant’s sugar production from both plantations:

sugar2   sugar

I found one story about a hydrogen balloon crashing on his plantation and catching on fire in 1846. The newspaper said they thought the balloon owner should be compensated for damage to the balloon.

Along with the sugar plantations came slaves. I don’t know how many he had, but it was probably a lot. I found one story from a Union army regiment that was in Louisiana when several slaves escaped from Grant’s plantation and found safe haven, even though the army had given instructions to only take in escaped slaves if they could be given some productive work to do. So they found some work for them and eventually the slaves joined the Union army. Slavery was an institution in the south. I think everyone knew it was wrong, but they couldn’t figure out a good way to get rid of it. Now here is a guy from Scotland, not a southerner, not someone who grew up with slavery as a way of life, with a lot of money choosing to invest in a slave-supported business. I’m not sure how he got into the plantations, actually, because his primary business was in New Orleans, where he owned a store and advertised in the Picayune pretty regularly.

According to the Corps of Engineers history research, when Alexander Grant died in 1868, he left the Nairn plantation to his three children: Alexander, John, and Mary (I’m not sure about this; the Picayune says it was sold at auction in 1869, shorty after Grant’s death). Mary Grant Saul bought her brothers’ shares, but the plantation couldn’t make money and the property was sold at a sheriff’s auction in 1876. The new owners couldn’t make money either and in 1879, her brother, John G. Grant, bought it at another sheriff’s auction. He eventually subdivided it in 1884 and sold the lots. At least some of the property became orange groves. The same document mentions another property in Plaquemines which was bought by John Gray Grant around that time.

I was able to find out when Alexander Grant died from the Louisiana death records that have been scanned and turned into text. They also gave his age, so I was able to get close to the right year of his birth (1794 or 1793; though the 1860 census says he is 63, putting the birth year in 1796 or 1797; honestly the “3” could be a “5” which would put him back at 1793-94). In 1886, the death record for Grant’s wife, Julia D. Saul Grant shows up. Another record shows that his daughter Mary died in 1881 though this genealogy page indicates she had several children with her husband, Joseph Drake Saul. It is interesting that Alexander Grant’s wife was Julia D. Saul, so there was a lot of mixing with the Saul family, even though Grant’s first wife seems to have been Catherine Knab (maybe the source of the plantation name, often named after a wife or daughter; though he also had a daughter named Catherine, who died in New Orleans at age 19 in 1856) who he married in 1821. That would make her my great great great grandmother. I’m not sure when she died, but probably before 1844 when he married Julia Saul.

Of course, for me, the most important thing Alexander Grant, Sr. did was to have Alexander Grant, Jr., my great great grandfather.

15 thoughts on “Alexander Grant, Sr.”

  1. What a wonderful post! A few hours ago I wanted to see if there was any evidence to support an old family letter about a relative who had a plantation in Louisiana. My great great great grandfather, William Grant, was born in Nairn (Scotland) in 1788. He left Scotland as a young man, and became a successful merchant in Madeira. One of his sons wrote about one of William Grant’s brothers having a plantation in Louisiana, but there was no contact after the civil war. William’s brother Alexander was born in Nairn 13th March 1796. Their parents were Alexander Grant and Isabel Campbell. All the evidence ties together so neatly, particularly with the plantation name of Nairn, and the dates and ages on the census records, which makes me think we must be distant cousins. My Grant cousins in Australia will be delighted, as am I! Would love to hear from you. Best wishes from England

    1. That’s very interesting. There are a lot of Grants and a lot of Johns, Williams, and Alexanders, so it gets pretty hard to search for them at some point, but your connection seems pretty solid.

      My cousin did some research on all of this a few years ago and also got as far as Alexander Grant and Isabella Campbell in Scotland. He shows a brother named Archibald, but does not have William, so that is new information (and confirms the other). Thanks for writing.

  2. How interesting to hear about Alexander Grant who may well be the younger brother of William Grant (see below) . This Alexander Grant called in by ship to Madeira and visited his brother and their children there, probably in the 1850s. My great grandfather Alexander Grant (b Funchal, 22.12 1843) recalled his uncle’s visit. He left Madeira in 1863 and emigrated to New Zealand and his father William died 8/8/1866. We’ve always wondered what became of the Louisiana branch of the family because all contact stopped after the Civil War.
    I do know that William and Alexander’s sister Mary (Rose) emigrated to Melbourne Australia, and another sister Isobel emigrated with her husband ? Fraser to Canada.

    You might be interested in these details from Nairn genealogical records:

    Alexander Grant and Isabel Campbell
    (married 11 August 1785 Canongate, Edinburgh)

    their children, christened at Nairn

    William Grant born 23 November 1788
    baptised 23 November 1788

    Isabel Grant born 3 March 1791
    baptised 5 March 1791

    Mary Grant born 29 November 1793
    baptised 30 November 1793

    Alexander Grant born 13 March 1796
    baptised 15 March 1796

    John Grant born 28 August 1797
    baptised 29 August 1797

    Archibald Grant born 2 August 1800
    baptised 4 August 1800

    Margaret Grant born 22 Jun 1803
    baptised 30 Jun 1803

    Does the 1860 census tell where Alexander was born? I wonder if there is any more information about his first wife Catherine. Best wishes Elizabeth

  3. So interesting…. many familiar names from family stories. We are surely related. Alexander Grant was often mentioned. My grandfather was John Barrett Grant, I believe he was Alexanders direct descendant. All the cities line up, from Pensacola to Nola. Happy to find this! Please feel free to contact me.

    Thank you, Debbie Grant Younkin

    1. Hey Debbie
      I am descended from Alexander and Olympe and am very well aware of John Barrett and Charles Ewing and of course Mary Croxton. I have been searching for your grandfather John/Jack Barrett Grants place of burial. I found him and his family in the 1920 census under Jack Grant and a death for a J B Grant in 1923. I don’t know if that is him, but still no cemetery, or for May? Do you have that information?? If so, would you share it or a Find A Grave memorial # for us?

        1. I am Mary Ann Grant Davis , great granddaughter of Alexander and Mary Ann Croxton Grant. Charles Ewing Grant was my grandfather. He and Blanche R. Grant had one son, Aubrey Daniel Grant, my father. Just wanted to touch base with you. I tried before but no answer. I guess this may not be getting to you. Anyway, maybe at some point, it will.

  4. I would very much like to find out more about any American ‘cousins’, descendants of Alexander Grant. It does seem likely that we are related. William Grant of Madeira became a fairly prosperous wine merchant in Funchal, Madeira. After his death, in 1866, most of his large family left Madeira and settled in the south of England but some went to South Africa, New Zealand and eventually, Sydney and Melbourne. I’ve fitted many of them into a large family tree. There are no longer any relatives living in Madeira. They seem to have been an adventurous lot.
    best wishes from ‘down under’ -Elizabeth Wilson, nee Grant

  5. Can you tell me the name of the person who bought it at sheriff’s auction and later lost it the same way? Was it Horner? My ancestor owned a Stella Plantation on, or near, the Mississippi in LA and lost it to creditors. I would like to know where it was and f there is still anything there. Is the venue where they are now having weddings? Thank-you, in advance, for any information you can share.
    Nancy Follansbee

  6. I’ve been interested in the story of aeronaut Christian Lehmann for a couple of years, I’ve also known the mention in this blog for some time. It may be worth adding an article from The Times-Picayune, dated December 5, 1846.

    “The subscriber having heard that an impression prevails that his Balloon did not meet with any accident after ascension from Algiers on Sunday, the 22nd, and that therefore he was not entitled to public sympathy for his great loss, begs leave to state how the accident occured wich destroyed all his capital in an instant.
    It will be remembered that on the day of the ascension a gale of wind from the northeast prevailed all day. Determined to keep his word to the people, departed precisely at the time appointed, 1 o’clock, P. M., and rose with great rapidity to an elevation of 4000 feet, as his barometer indicated. On approaching the earth (the wind still continuing violent,) the balloon bounded several times from his grapnels, and finally brought to, and before he had disengaged himself from the basket it explode with noise of thirty 6-pounders. On searching for the cause he found burning cinders in the field whre he alighted. The balloon being several times blown to the ground by the wind, unfortunately came in contact with them and was immediately blown to atoms.
    The certificat of Mr. Alexander Grant, owner of plantation, will show that the balloon was destroyed. No certificated would be necessary to one possessing the smallest intelligence in chemistry to shew that there could be no explosion of hydrogen without flame. A rent in the balloon would have let the gas out, out could no cause an explosion.
    The expanses of the ascension were $650, the receipts $62. This loss I could have sustained, believing that as I had kept my word faithfully and mady ma ascension at the very haur promised; but I have lost the means. I have lost my balloon, which cost met he sum of 6500 florins, and in which I hade made nine successful ascensions without accident or disapointment.
    I now desire to make another ascension, and ask the public if they will assist me in making another balloon by subscription.
    All subscribers to be entitled to see the balloon in its progras of infaltion, and to entrance on the ground on day of ascension.
    The list of subscription will be open at the Conti Hotel in Conti street, as well as at Mr. Stubenranch 51 Roys street.
    I hereby certify that Mr. Lehmann’s balloon was utterly destroyed on my planation by expolsion or fire, from what cause I cannot say, because I was some distance from the spot at the time.
    Alexander Grant
    New Orleans, Dec. 4, 1846”

  7. Is your Alexander Grant the same Captain Grant that was appointed by the State of Louisiana in 1862? I have come across the original document with papers handed down, but does not seem to be related to my family.
    I have a nice scan of it if you want (or the original).
    Please let me know if interested.
    Thank You,
    M. Merriman

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