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Through the eyes of a Jew

Through the eyes of a Jew

Behind the blur of tears

All they can see and feel are a child's fears.

A gentle smile washed away

As everyone finally knew

That no one liked them because they were a Jew.

With a point of a finger

They would hold their breath

If they were given life or death.

At night cries are heard and guns are fired

Days and days go by

As the prayers are unanswered of not wanting to die.

A happy couple never to be reunited

As the only place they know each other is in their heart.

And sadness come when families are torn apart.

Decaying bodies are walked over

As children think they are just asleep

And lay next to their parents crying without a peep.

More crying comes

Arms are raised in the air

As they felt someone care.

"You are safe now",

The words ring to their ears

As they will no longer fear.

A happy family inside their home

And their sore feet and boney legs

Carry themselves to a place to beg.

"Your job is done and you did well"

"And now you're through"

Through the now closed eyes of a Jew.

For language arts we are learning about the holocaust. For a project we had to make a collage and write a poem about it. So, this was my poem :)

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