Strange Kid


Why didn't anybody ever tell me I was such a weird kid? I found an old journal of mine, and some of the stories I wrote were really strange. I had no life...

Mommo & Jojo -- unrevised

Momo and Jojo were the happy hairdressers. They were married to eachother and had a small shop. About 2 or 3 people a day came to MJ Cuts. Their last name was Chocho.

5 years later Momo and Jojo discovere[d] business was low... low. So they decided to have a kid. It was twins! Toto and Bobo. Momo and Jojo got extra sticky tape and taped the new babies to the wall for decoration. They looked great hanging up their on the wall! "Surely these babies will make people come to the shop!" said Momo. Then, Jojo hadan idea, they could have more kids! Momo could feed the babies and Jojo would put clothes on them after she had them.

Eventually (20 years later) they were satisfied with 40 kids. All of them hanging on the wall. Of course this attracted a whole bunch of people. They did not want their hair done though. Momo and Jojo had to start selling food. Then people kept coming in. All their kids in order were: Toto, Bobo, Frofro, Yoyo, Shosho, Dodo, Roro, Coco, Nono, Koko, Jojo jr., Momo jr., Zozo, Lolo, Quoquo, Ohoh, Hoho, Gogo, Xoxo, Popo, Vovo, Trotro, Fadofado, Ladolado, Yadoyado, Noshonosho, Hopohopo, Mojomojo, Jomojomo, Drodro, Dotrodotro, Vrovro, BjoBjo, HroHro, SkloSklo, PofroPofro, Fofo, ChoCho, and Emily. One day, the babies got sooooo bbig they fell down off the wall and went to college. Jojo couldn't have anymore babies, but they were millionaires by that time. Still, they wanted more money, so every year they go and get Chinese babies and tape them on the wall, now they're the richest people on Earth.

Floppy Joe

Once there was a clown named Floppy Joe. He had really bad teeth so he never smiled. That is how he got the name "Frowny Face". Everyone hated Frown Face because he made babies and little kids cry. Also he made ladies cry because he tried to kiss them because he but he smelled like circus onions and who would want to kiss a guy who made kids cry, had bad teeth, and smelled like circus onions. All the man beat up Frown Face because he kissed their women and made their kids cry (contributing to his oral hygiene problem). The circus fired Frowny Face so we will call him Floppy Joe now. Floppy decided to become a constructor who worked in the sewers and became best friends with a sewer rat named Kickloratchee.

There are also more stories like this in my journal, insane doodles, a recipe for mist, and spelling words. I was a strange kid... Who knows what I was thinking.

Now playing: Superfreak by Rick James


Uh... you still are a strange kid.


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