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Diaries of a Genius #7

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Oh Spud, I apologize for my unruly little sister. She is so aberrant. I found you covered with peanut butter, dried mucus, some acid type substance, drool, and what looked and smelled like dung. I am so exasperated that I have made a concoction that will have her nostrils covered with an extremely itchy rash by tomorrow. Mother and Father have been trying to get her to stop picking her nose. She has done a pretty good job so far, but tomorrow when she reaches her finger up to scratch her inside of her nose, and doesn't listen to Mother, she will be in so much trouble and get the punishment that she deserved for ruining you. Oh, You'll never be the same.

You missed my entire summer experience because of my sister. I am having trouble remembering what happened though because of the what turned out to be harmful fumes of the potato acid I have discovered. That is why i need you Spud, to recall those things that I have forgotten by the few experiment mishaps that occur in my lab.

School started on Monday. I was relieved to see that Red had not changed much. I hate changes. She asked me not to come to her house anymore while she was gone to go talk to her parents about our future together. She told me we had no future together. That scared me at first, the way I took this was that she was about to die of a serious illness. I called her parents as soon as I got home from school and they assured me that she was fine, and it was probably just puberty acting up on her. I bet that was it. Girls can be so temperamental at this age.

Well, over the summer, I did not spend any time on my popular dictionary... at least I think... hmm... You know, I don't even remember going over and talking to Red's parents over the Summer. Maybe 2 or 3 times, okay 7, but it seems that most of my memory of the summer as been wiped out.

I saw my buddy Rex at the Annual Math convention. He was the one who explained popular to me, and told me we never could be part of popular. Well, we got to talking, and we decided to start a math and science club at school with permission from the principal. Well, I talked to some of the popular friends i have, and I asked them to quit popular and join my club, and to bring Red with them too. I guess I said something funny because the laughed. Now i am positive I should become a comedian because I am funny without even knowing it. Well, they came, but the joked around the entire time (they laughed a lot at my science jokes though), and they didn't even bring Red. Plus they didn't quit popular. I decided that it was okay though, because it is good to be with the guys who like my jokes and inspired me to become a comedian.


Comments (2)


Kelly when you apologize about your lil' stister are you referring to me?


That's not you... it's Bradford's little sister. I'm glad I'm not Bradford's dad.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2005 8:05 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Algebra Creative Writing Activity- The Worst Day of My Life.

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