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Caviare and Frog Legs

Yesterday and today, we dissected frogs in science. It was pretty gross. As you probably guessed, it was a 2 day process. Yesterday we chose the frog of our choice from a big ol' bucket of frogs in this solution (PU!!). It was gross, my partner made me get out our frog. Picture sticking your hand into this yucky smelling fluid through a pile of stiff, soggy, dead froggies. Then we each got 1 pair of gloves that we had to use today and save until tomorrow because we were "running low on gloves", (my teacher doesn't have to lie, there is whole cabinet full of latex gloves that everyone knows about. There must be a thousand pairs!). We didn't even really need to use the gloves the first day, all we did was examine the frog's external features. We were supposed to figure out if our frog was a boy or a girl frog by their thumbs. "Boys have bigger thumbs to hold the female while mating"...heh heh heh. Nobody could really see any difference in all the thumbs though so for day 1, our frog's gender was a mystery. Well, when we were done with day 1, guess what my partner did. SHE THREW AWAY THE GLOVES!! I forgave her though. So, today was the gross day where we had to cut open the frog and cut out and examine our frog's internal organs. Lucky us, no gloves. Well, SURPRISE! Our frog was a female. Boy, was she loaded, their were eggs EVERYWHERE! Behind her organs, in front of her organs, in between her organs, in her ribs! It was amazing, and gross... Why is caviare such a "rare" delicacy? Well, we were kinda frustrated because we got a small frog with cramped organs that stuck together and you couldn't tell which organ was which. To let out some of our anger, we broke the frogs arms off. Ok, that was part of the reason, really it was because they were so stiff that we couldn't move them out of the way of our "working" area. So we cut open the stomach to see any undigested food. We found parts of beetles, and guess what? This sick frog ate it's own eggs!! At that moment, a kid in my class, "Brew", threw his frog legs at us! I mean, one of the smartest kids in class who people get so annoyed with because he always tries to be an adult was immature! Well, that was the interesting stuff. THE END.

Comments (4)


Thank you for sharing that truly disgusting story. You should become an engineer because where I work they hardly ever make us dissect frogs.

If your frog's eggs were still inside her then how could she have eaten her own eggs? Maybe she ate someone else's eggs?


I'm no expert on frog eggs, but it doesn't make sense that eggs were scattered among the frog's organs. The eggs should be stored in an organ (maybe two) and at some point be expelled somewhere in the pond where they can become tadpoles.

When I dissected a bullfrog (huge) in highschool he was filled with little white round things that were all around his organs. Our teacher explained that these were parasites (bugs) of some kind. Maybe that is what was in your frog?

Caviar are fish eggs, by the way. Perhaps you knew that. People *do* eat frog legs.


everyone's frog's eggs were scattered around like that. They were eggs. And yes, i do know caviar is fish eggs, it just looked like caviar. I figured she laid some of her eggs and then ate them. When my partner and i saw she ate the eggs we got aggravated and started putting them in her mouth. we were truly disgusted.


Just testing posting comments now that you have version 3 templates. Seems to work!

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