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Athens in July #4

Well, it happened this weekend. Grant, Jami and the kids moved into their new old house. Jami finished her 2 weeks of school Friday afternoon. Grant and friends moved all of the stuff out of the storage place on Thursday afternoon and were done by Friday at noon.

I stopped by this morning after church to see how last night went, sleeping in their own beds. Jami has done amazing things to that house already. Fiona was busy fixing up her room. Each room has it's own fireplace and mantle, and Fiona has her nutcracker men, the little wooden toy house set from my house and numerous other things on her mantle. She has the guest bed and her bed in her bedroom. The bedrooms are enormous. Michael is thrilled with his bedroom and it's almost put together, too. He has his bed and a sofa in his bedroom. The living room with the humongous TV is all set up in time for Grant to watch the final day of the British Open. The house really is nice, though about 130 years old. Colors of the bedrooms are great. It's just been painted in the last year. So, they've successfully moved again. Wonder how long they will be in this house?

I will miss those smiling faces in the mornings when I get up. Saturday morning Fiona and Michael got up about 7:00 and Jami and Grant slept in until after 8. By the time I came out of my room (after showering, etc.) at 7:40, they were both right outside my room grinning. Fiona has fixed their breakfast, they had eaten, and they had opened all of the blinds. Pretty good for ages 8 and 6!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 18, 2010 4:37 PM.

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