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Augusta in August

Jane and Bill have asked me several times to come to Augusta for a visit, so I thought August was a good time. I arrived on August 21, (5 month anniversary of Dad's death). Bob came over to have a beer and watch the DVD of the Arlington service. Jane, Bill and Bob were impressed with the service, of course.

The next day, Jane and I worked out at Curves, had breakfast and visited on their wonderful back porch with hummingbirds, cardinals, and all sorts of other birds all around , beautiful flowers and shrubs, and their beautiful pool. Then we met the "girls" for lunch. The girls included Eleanor, Kay, Kathleen, Karine, and Mary Ann. The restaurant is called "The Jury Room" and is across from the courthouse. Good food and service and we were given a private dining room. I couldn't get the others to have their picture taken and Eleanor would only be in it if Kathleen covered up Eleanor's neck!

RichardFamily.jpgSaturday morning, Jane fixed Bill and me a delicious breakfast of stone ground grits, eggs, bacon and biscuits. Yum. Then we went over to Kay's. Richard, Doris, Sophia and Edgar had arrived the night before and I am so pleased that I got to see them. The twins are adorable. They are in the 2nd grade, though they won't be 7 until November. The cut off is December in Connecticut. Sophia and Fiona would be good friends if they ever had a chance. Chris and Eleanor came over while we were there.

It was a nice trip and I'm glad I went.

Comments (1)


cute pictures. It's hard to believe it's only 5 months since Dad became a saint. It seems like you've been on years worth of trips just in the past 5 months.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 24, 2008 11:42 AM.

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