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(Jeb says we cannot call our vacations "vacations" so we have to call them "trips".)

We went to Marco Island Thursday to visit Sheila and Herb, long time friends. They have a beautiful condo at Marco and go to the Catholic Church there. Bob's parents, Bob and Pat, also have a beautiful condo in Marco and go to the Catholic Church there. The two couples have never met until we went down to Marco, however. I called Pat Friday morning and she invited us to come for cocktails Friday at 5:30 p.m. And so we did. While we were there, Bob (our son-in-law and Pat's and Bob's son) called to say he had just been in a wreck right in front of his office and his car was totalled. A lady ran into him head on and both of his airbags deflated and knocked his car back 5 feet. Bob was bruized up, but no broken bones and he's just fine. Thank God.

Well, Pat and Bob had just decided a couple of days before this to sell their 2000 Cadilllac because they've decided they don't need 2 cars in Marco. So, they offered Bob the use of their car. He liked the idea, and since we were right there and driving back to Lakeland on Saturday, we volunteered to drive the Cadillac back to Lakeland for Bob. Now, isn't this just amazing? I think maybe God had a hand in all of this.

We got back safely and have enjoyed the weekend with Bob and Carol - along with football!

Comments (1)


When the sun hits the Cadillac in just the right way it has a pink tone. Now Bob is singing "Pink Cadillac" all the time.

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