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Women in Black

Yesterday, Mary Sydney and I flew home from New York. Our flight arrived ATL airport at 3:30. We went to baggage claim, then called Bob to see where the soon-to-be Irish travelers were. They were one exit from the airport. We walked down to International Check-In and they pulled up, unloaded, kissed hello and good-by, we loaded our bags and drove the van home. Now, isn't that just perfect timing? Bob said "I love a plan that works".
I'm so glad Anthony is with them to take care of the others. He is designated driver (thank goodness).

Comments (2)


That really did turn out to be a great plan. Welcome back from New York!


Amazing timing. Reminds me of when I drove into the airport to pick up Danny at the Greyhound bus station. As I drove in towards the terminal, he called me on the cell from the bus and said, "We're behind you. Thought I recognized the Jeep."

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