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C.S. Lewis

I went to an adult ed class this morning on the Chronicles of Narnia. Dad and I watched Ted's movie Friday night and enjoyed it very much. I have never read the book "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe", but saw the play in Lakeland with 3 grandsons and one granddaughter, and am very familiar with the book. This was the second week of a 2 part lecture on it and I couldn't imagine what our fabulous Bible Study teacher could talk about for two weeks in regard to this book.

It was great.... I mean, really great. I just wonder who in our family has read the The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and the other 6 books about Narnia? I'm all inspired, now, and want to read all of them. You all would really have enjoyed the class.

The other 6 books are: Prince Capian, The Horse and His Boy, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, The Magician's Nephew, and The Last Battle.

Louanne will continue the lectures and we will read all of the above, then discuss. Dates aren't set, yet, but if anybody wants to come, let me know.

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I read the books. I think you may have given me the set of paperbacks for Christmas or a birthday when I was in high school. I think you probably still have that set of books at your house somewhere.

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