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Saint Joseph's Hospital Volunteer

I had an interview today to volunteer at Saint Joseph's Hospital. I had the mistaken idea that all I had to do was call them and tell them I was interested and they would say "can you start tomorrow". No way. My interview lasted one and one-half hours. I was informed that I have to join the Auxilliary (minimum $15.00 per year if you work 100 hours), That's just the beginning. I have to go to an orientation meeting that will last about 6 hours on April 27th, I had to be tested for TB today and have to go back next Tuesday for them to check me, then have another test on that day. I have to buy my own uniform (navy blue jacket, white blouse, white scrub pants, tennis shoes. But, I am not to buy those until I go through orientation. Then, I have to be trained by an experienced volunteer in 13 departments, and each one is a 3 to 4 hour shift. They suggest that I get in one department a week, but I can do more if I can work it out. I will be in uniform when I do this. There are 17 different departments I can volunteer to work in.

Once I get all of those hours in (about 50), I can sign up to work as a volunteer in the areas I like the most. There are all sorts of meetings to attend during the course of the year.

Perks? I will be able to park free when I volunteer in uniform, I will get a free meal in the cafeteria when I work (after I complete 25 hours) as long as it doesn't go over $6.50, and I will belong to a group of about 300 volunteers, I could get a free flu shot each year (but I already get that at Kaiser), and somehow or other Dad and I get discounts on hospital visits (whatever is the balance after our insurance kicks in). Also, I get to be tested annually for TB!

So there you are. I'll be volunteering sometime this year at Saint Josephs Hospital (I can't write St. Joseph's because it is against the policy since St. also stands for Street), but probably not until July or August. I found out that Peggy Cashin is currently in training.

Comments (2)


Sounds like they only want volunteers that are SERIOUS! You'll be running the hospital soon enough. Watch out SJH!


If you move down here you can volunteer at Lakeland Regional Med. Ctr. and get a free meal everyday. You still have to buy a uniform and have an annual TB test, but you don't have to pay an annual fee. And parking is free for everyone. You could push the bookcart around and visit patients. You would like that.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2006 7:27 PM.

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