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Fiona in a Musical

We went to Athens today to see Fiona in a musical at her Episopal Church Nursery School. The children were just precious - all dressed up in their finery with paper crowns decorated by each one full of hearts and jewels. Fiona lent her good friend, Katie Grace, a pretty necklace to wear and Katie Grace, being such a good girl, came right up to Fiona as soon as the muscial was over and returned the necklace. The program lasted about 20 minutes, max. Then we were served cheese pizza and salad (both pretty good actually) and Valentines Cookies in different colors. Fiona ate a pink one. That's her favorite color.

The pastor of the church is a lady and they call her "Mother". I thought that was pretty funny, but actually they couldn't call her "Father".

Michael was quite good. He loves Fiona's school and would like to be attending, himself. He's trying to talk a bit, still laughs about everything.

We went by to see their house under construction. It's going to be beautiful and huge. They got a contract on the house they are living in this morning and it's close to the asking price. Yea!
We visited a while at the house afterwards and Grandaddy put on a puppet show for us. It was soooo funny. We should have gotten him a puppet house a long time ago. He's really good at this!

A fun day.

Comments (1)


I hope there are some pictures of this event! Wish I could have been there ):

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