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January 16th, 2006

This was sort of an eventful day, so I thought I'd put all of the stuff that happened on the blog.
1. Today is Jeb's and Kathy's 19th wedding anniversary.
2. Fiona had her adenoids removed this morning. She had to be put to sleep and they rode her in a red wagon to the operating room. She has eaten popsicles ever since and did just fine.
3. Michael is better. He had a very serious issue breathing Saturday night and Jami called the doctor and she had to sit upright in a chair all night and hold him and not let him lie down.
4. I played tennis with 7 men this morning. I rode my bike there and back.
5. Carol and David came down to Mulberry and walked a couple of miles with me and Dad. The kids are out of school today because it is
6. Martin Luther King's birthday.
7. Dad, Carol and I attended the Parish Mission at St. John Neumann tonight. Fr. Carey from Portland, Oregon is giving the mission.
8. Debbie, Larry and the 3 older kids are on their way back from North Carolina where they got to play in snow and passed through Atlanta today. Debbie will meet Patsy tomorrow to pick up Noah (at Wildwood).
9. Laurie & Johnny made an offer on a huge house (4,900 square feet) and it was accepted this afternoon. They'll close on April 3rd.
10. My friend, Anne Baron, had her first radiation treatment this morning at 9:00 a.m.
11. Dad's friend, Betty Sweeney's, son, Dan had a heart attack and has to have quadruple by-pass surgery either Tuesday or Wednesday.
12. Joe and Sandy are spending the night at our house tonight (in Atlanta) on the way to Pensacola to see Margie.

Comments (2)


13. Jeb, Kelly, and Claire volunteered to help paint the Boys & Girls club in downtown Atlanta for #6. Kelly met Tim Tuff for the first time.

This is an extraordinary list. Some very serious and funny things, but the most extraordinary to me is that my mother and my childrens' grandmother played tennis with 7 men... riding her bike to get there.


Grammalie, that is the coolest and cutest that you rode your bike to play tennis with seven men yesterday.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 16, 2006 8:51 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Patsy's birthday.

The next post in this blog is Edward's & Mary Ann's visit.

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