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Rich Hunter

A friend of Dad's died last week and he was only 53 years old. Dad & I attended his wake last night and dad gave this talk at his Mass today. I just thought you all would like to read it. Rich's picture was in the paper today with a nice article about his life. You may want to look it up in the AJC.


My name is Dan Cashin and I served in the Stephen Ministry with Rich here at Holy Cross. The Stephen Ministry is an inter denominational organization that operates within churches throughout the nation. It is our mission to comfort those who have experienced a bump in the road of life by visiting with them, listening to them and walking the walk with them. Generally we start a training class each Fall and the class continues for 50 hours over five months.

In the Fall of 2002 less than two years ago Rich indicated he might be interested in the Stephen Ministry. Since I was our Training Coordinator I had the pleasure of interviewing Rich. The interview consisted mostly of telling him the requirements, the hours of training, the subjects, the aspect of confidentiality, the ability to listen intently, Rich nodded his head affirmatively after each requirement. The last requirement mentioned was a two year commitment. Rich said, 'Hmm I might have a problem with that'. I couldn't imagine why anyone would have a problem and said, 'It's just two years and it starts with the beginning of class.' I never will forget his reply, 'Well you see I have this cancer thing and the doctors have given me two years to live and I'm already well into the first year.' I was dumbfounded, speechless and just sat there with my mouth open and no words coming out. Here's a man with a short time to live and he is volunteering to spend precious hours helping others. But Rich came to my rescue. He explained that he'd like to use his time helping others that might be in need and he felt a call to serve. About that time I think the Holy Spirit kicked me in the seat of my pants and I said, 'Yeah and don't forget you'll be a great inspiration to the others in your class, but I'm not going to mention your condition. It'll be up to you to talk about it or not'.

Well the classes started, all strangers, one male and six charming ladies. The first class was mostly an overview of the course and introductions, the next class involved some role playing and that seemed to relax everybody. Things were getting better by the third class, there was a beginning of a spirit of bonding. The subject was on Feelings and Betty Sweeney was leading the instructions. I don't remember what the question or the situation was but in answer to a question about feelings Rich chose that moment to talk about his feelings regarding his illness and the treatment he was going through. Rich had tears coming down his cheeks, I had tears coming down my cheeks and I guess the whole class was crying. Rich sealed the bond that had been growing among the class with his openness, his sincerity and his humility. We had a great class that supported each other and grew closer as the weeks went by. Rich, Bonnie, Diane, Darlene, Lisa, Kathy and Julie inspired each other to the extent they became the self proclaimed 'Magnificent Seven.'

The class was commissioned in April and merged into the ministry. Rich and each one in due time received a care receiver and they did well as care givers. We celebrated the two year anniversary of the doctor's predication at one of our semi monthly meetings. But then Rich left us, too soon. Too soon for his friends too soon for his family. It isn't fair. Unfortunately, life in this world often isn't fair, but Rich is now in a world where life is always fair. His time with us was too short, he had so much to do, but we thank God for the short time we had him. May the Lord be with his family, with you Bernice, with you Jessica and with you Jason in your time of grief.

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