Where's Jake?


Tuesday David mowed the grass. For some reason it seems to be hard to remember to close the back gate after mowing the backyard.

Bob came home from work and after dinner we decided to watch a movie. Bob let Jake out around 9:00. When the movie ended around 9:30 we realized Jake was missing. Soon we also realized that the back gate was open. Jake was gone.

Bob drove off looking around the neighborhood. David walked down to the end of the street. Andrew and I took Radar and walked around the block and down to the busy street. Nothing.

I took the van out and looked again around the neighborhood and Bob set out on foot with flashlights.

I went back home and made a big sign "LOST Black and Silver MINIATURE SCHNAUZER" (and our phone number). Around 10:00 Bob and I taped the sign to the stop sign at the entrance of our neighborhood. That was all we could do at that time of night. I was sure someone picked him up because he would have been home by then.
Around 10:25 the phone rang. A lady and her husband saw Jake walking in the middle of the busy street outside our neighborhood. They picked him up just after 9:00.

They took Jake to an all night vet to see if he had a micro-chip. He doesn't have one. The lady took Jake's picture and was going to have some flyers made. They passed back by the place they picked him up and looked to see if there were any signs nearby. Thankfully our sign was up and she saw it. She went back home to call us and Bob went straight over to pick him up.

We have received a Christmas Miracle. Jake will receive a new collar with his name and phone number embroidered on it in the next couple of days. His old collar makes a lot of noise when he shakes so we never leave it on him.


I'm glad you got Jake back safe and sound!

Austin has a microchip, but not Katie.

My dogs have collar tags, which slide onto the collar and don't make noise (and the tags can't be pulled off). The embroidered ones are good too though.


I also got the collar tags for Clyde and Stout from boomerangtags.com. I think Ted told me about them.

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