I got In!


I don't know how this happened. This must be my lucky day. I haven't been able to get in here in months. I hope it works again next time.
I found out that I have low iron. They wouldn't take my at the blood bank because my iron was too low. I have been researching this and found out that it is a very common thing for women my age and other child bearing ages. I am not eating enough red meat. I went to the store and bought lots of red meat. No lamb for me though. It's also high in iron. I would rather hold one than eat one.
For lunch I had a roast beef sandwich with garlic salsa and high fiber multigrain bread. I had a red pummelo for dessert. That's like grapefruit only not as bitter. The citrus is supposed to help the iron get into the blood stream faster.

I took Jake and Radar for a walk around the bird lake. That's only 1 mile. Radar was afraid of the geese. I had to carry him past them. I'll just have to take him more so he gets used to them. That's the longest walk he's ever taken.

Happy Birthday Claire!


Katie and Clio are pretty much indifferent towards geese when we see them at the lake. When Katie was a puppy she used to chase birds, but when she noticed that they all just fly away she gave up. She still feels like she has a chance with squirrels and after a couple of more years figured out they weren't disappearing behind trees, but going up them. Squirrels are tricky like that: they always run behind the tree before going up the trunk.

I had pomelo when I was in Thailand (they didn't have grapefruit). It is fun to eat because once you get the rind off you can pull it apart and eat the juice packets. The farmer's market here has them. Yum!

UT, I had some bad news yesterday. After enjoying our walk around the beautiful bird lake yesterday, I found out that only 8 hours earlier, 2 FSC students killed a swan and a duck at that lake. Pure evil.

I am glad you are working on your low iron problem, Carol. That was terrible that two FSU students killed a swan and a duck. What on earth are they thinking about? They're old enough to know better. I've never even seen a pomelo. I'm old enough that I certainly should have.

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