Toga Tuesday...


This week is homecoming week...
Every day is a different themed day that you get to dress up for.

Monday: Cartoon Day
Tuesday: Toga Tuesday
Wednesday: Superhero Day
Thursday: Nerd Day
Friday: Spirit Wear

So today was "Toga Tuesday". I was actually pretty excited to have a Roman spirited day, but sadly, my hopes were forsaken when I walked into hallways full of blockheads wearing their "togas" WRONG! I don't know what some of these people were wearing because they were definitely not togas, more like shapeless white frocks.

Some people's togas went just to their knees or above.
Others had it draped over their right shoulders.
Then other people just had it tied up or pinned at the top instead of wrapped properly.
I even saw people who should have been dress-coded for wearing YELLOW togas which- for those of you who are up to date on your Roman history- meant you had a very inappropriate occupation.

What a mockery. The lack of authenticity made me have a pretty bad day. I had to channel my anger in to a hate note to all the toga misusers. I stuffed it in the locker of one girl wearing a disgraceful little yellow number.

It was almost as bad as when we had to read "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare last year, I almost cried at the scene where Caesar was stabbed 33 times. As if my historical crush being stabbed 23 times wasn't enough... Shakespeare just HAD to add an additional 10 stabs.

I asked the people on student government to please not support the Toga Tuesday idea next year unless they provide pamphlets on the proper wear next year on the account that some people were offended...

Historical inaccuracies don't go by well with me.
Especially when it comes to Rome.


Maybe the Latin Club could sponsor a Toga tying class next year before Toga Tuesday. Do you have a Latin club?

I'm sorry about Caesar getting killed.

This brings back memories of when Grandaddy and I went to Rome, Italy in 1974 or so, and we attended a Roman party and had to dress up and we both wore togas. That was a funny site - Grandaddy in a toga. Some of the guests there were dressed very inappropriately but we thought we looked pretty good!

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