The Awesome Yamaha Clavinova CLP-150M Piano


My sister and I have enjoyed using this piano very much. It is great for practicing, because you can record your piece and listen to it back so that you can pick out mistakes. The recording feature is also great for parties so that we can show people our different pieces. They have about 10 different piano noises, as well as probably over 100 other noise options. Some of them are just fun, like bubbly noises. Then again, there are real instruments like the violin and trumpet. It is great to have those sound options as well when you would like to make up songs. You can turn the volume up and down so when people in the house want to hear us we can blast it! Or, if people are still asleep, we can turn it down just to practice. There is a headphones plug too. I have enjoyed this piano very much, plus it came with a large book of 50 songs that I have enjoyed playing. This is about as close as you can get to a real piano when it comes to electric pianos. I think I like it BETTER than a real one.


It's nice to see a child appreciate something. By the way, do you know how much that thing cost?

Around $2,209.76

So I guess this isn't the one that Gramalie tried to give you after which your dad drove around with it on the hood of the van?

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