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8th Grade

8th grade is the best!! Everyone looks up to you and everything. Plus I have an AWESOME pod. Meaning both I have great teachers and a lot of my friends are in my pod. There was only one teacher I knew about that taught the eighth grade, Mr. DeCarvalho, because everyone said that he was funny, and really easy going. I really wanted to get him, and I did. WOOHOO! He is our science teacher. Then there is Mrs. Avis who taught the 6th grade last year, and the year before. I didn't have her in the 6th grade, but a lot of people in my pod did. She teaches Social Studies, and she is REALLY wacky, but she is funny. She put wheels on her podium so she could stand behind it, and walk around at the same time. She is hilarious. Then I have Mrs. Harris who is my homeroom teacher and my Language Arts teacher. She is really calm, but she is also really nice. I am pretty sure she is in her early 30's, because she is married, but doesn't have a kid, and I am pretty sure she wants to because she is always talking about her nephew. Then I have to go to Mrs. Steinhour for math. We don't have a Gifted math teacher (its more advanced) in our pod, so I go to another pod. She is pretty nice I guess, but since she is the math teacher and we are learning Algebra 1 this year... Well, anyways, I am really excited about this year. Hopefully it will be better than last year.

Now playing: Schoolhouse Rocky by Schoolhouse Rock

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