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December happenings, so far

12/1 - Downtown Athens Parade of Lights. Yazna's son, Nico, rode on the Flagpole float.
12/6 - Attended "The Star of Bethlehem" at Hodgson Hall with Bette McNeely.
12/7 - Lunch at Heirlooms with Carlene and Sue, then mah-jongg at my house with them and Arlene.
12/7 - Ushered at "My Fair Lady" at the Classic Center. Excellent!
12/8 - Met with mentee, Yocelin at lunch.
12/8 - Christmas party OLLI Super Club at Cathy Hefners. Donna Conway and Terri Arthur rode with me since Cathy's house is in Monroe. Beautiful house and fun party.
12/9 - Talked with Jason Garrett, my financial advisor about my investments.
12/10 - Fiona's piano recital. She played one piece by herself and a duet with Camille Flurry. She is such a natural pianist and so confident. Loves to perform and works hard. She has absolutely no trouble memorizing her pieces.
12/11 - Ushered at Classic Center for the Athens Symphony Christmas concert. Jami, Grant and the children went and I sat with them. A wonderful concert.
carol-abandoned-at-zaxbys-12-2011.jpg12/11 - Carol arrived in ATL from Savannah and Jeb picked her up on the curb with her suitcases (where her ride had dropped her off). Kathy fixed a very good dinner and the house looked beautiful all decorated. Ted, David, Danny and Mary, Nicole, Kelly, Claire, Carol, Jeb, Kathy and I had dinner and played a game afterwards. David won. Carol and I headed back to Athens about 9 or so.
12/12 - Grant came over then Carol & I exercised at Y. Carlene took us to lunch. We drove to Atlanta, picked up Hope and went to the FOTA Christmas party downtown. Spent the night with Alan and Maria Turk at Stonehedge in Buford.
12/13 - Breakfasted at Sugar Hill Bakery with Maria and Alan. New, adorable place, but awful food. Then, to Marilyn Hill's for mah-jongg Christmas lunch with Mary Sydney and Phyllis. Back to Athens.
12/13 - Fiona's dance recital. We picked up Grant and Michael. Jami took Fiona early.
12/14 - Packed all day. Grant and Jami took Carol and me to dinner at Aqua Linda. David came in on the Greyhound bus at 8:45.
12/15 - We left for Lakeland at 8:45. Arrived at my condo at 5:15. Surprise! Carol had decorated my condo for Christmas. Wreath on window, Christmas trees in LR and guest BR, Christmas decorations all over, plus a beautiful nativity scene. Even a painting hanging on the wall that she had done. Yea!
12/16 - Bob invited me and Carol to the Rotary Christmas lunch at the Yacht Club. Lovely lunch and very nice people. The Lakeland Christian School choral group sang Christmas carols. About 40 boys and girls, all dressed in black and white. It was a beautiful concert. I had never heard most of the songs and they were beautiful. Then Carol and I went to the mall and I finished by Christmas shopping. We had our picture made with Santa. He wanted to know what we wanted for Christmas and Carol told him "world peace" and I said I wanted a gay boyfriend. I walked when I got home.
12/17 - Getting ready to start addressing Christmas cards.

Comments (3)


It's a good thing you don't blog your every day of the year events, I think it would make people tired just reading it.


And this is only half of December.

Great job on decorating the condo, Elf Carol! What an incredibly nice thing to do for Mom.


I took the photo of Carol abandoned at Zaxby's. That's all of her luggage on the left. She was sitting on the electrical thing but stood up before I could snap the photo.

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