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A Musical Weekend

Last weekend was a Musical Weekend.

First, I had my hair cut at Walmart on Thursday and the young fellow who cut my hair told me he played with a Christian Pop band and would be playing Friday night at Resurrection Church. That is C's & B's church and I knew they were having Mardi Gras last weekend. So, I asked him what time and he said 7 p.m. I told him I would be there to support him. Carol was working the ticket booth 4-6:30, so I got there at 6:30 and we both sat down to watch the performance. Some of her friends were sitting around us. Lonnie the beautician/youth minister/drum player and his group played after 3 other groups performed. He kept coming over to talk to me and update me about what was going on and some of C's friends ask if he was related to me or what. She just told them that "He cuts my mom's hair at Walmart". It was a funny and fun time. Lonnie gave me a CD of his band when they were done. He really appreciated us being there cheering for them. A side story is that one young man who sang had tried to buy food tickets from Carol with a debit card, but they couldn't take debit cards, so after he sang, Carol bought one of his CD's for $5 and he thanked her and said "now I can get something to eat". She knew that's what he would do. Wasn't that kind of Carol?

Second, Patsy and I went to Orlando Saturday night to work for Bill Gaither Homecoming (over 9,000 people in attendance). We sold CD's, DVD's, books, shirts, etc. and did a tremendous business. We worked hard and really enjoyed it. They gave us a free DVD and CD for working and we had good seats at the concert.

Third, Patsy found out Sunday morning that Ernie Haas and the Signatures were performing at a church in north Lakeland Sunday at 6:00. They are a great quartet who join the Gaither group for Homecomings and sing wonderful gospel music. So, we went and they performed for 2 solid hours. We got seats on the 2nd row. The church seats 3,000 and was full. We had worked the Signatures booth at the Gaither concert in 2007.

It was truly a wonderful weekend, praising God and tapping our feet to some really good music.

Comments (1)


That "He cuts my Mom's hair at Wallmart" line had me laughing so loud the dogs got nervous.

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