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Carol's Visit

Carol came up Friday to spend a few days. She rode up with Jill, a neighbor who was coming to a family reunion. Ted came over for dinner and Jeb came over after his plane landed at 7:40 p.m. (from San Antonio). We enjoyed having 2 of our boys and our darlin dorter - lots of laughs and fun being together.

Saturday, Ted, Carol & I went to the tile store to pick out tile for the hall bath. Then Carol, Grandaddy, and I went to Athens to see Fiona in her dance recital. We had such a good visit with Grant, Jami, Fiona and Michael. Fiona was precious in her recital. Here are some pictures:
fiona-ballet-1.jpg fiona-ballet-2.jpg
athens-downtowners.jpg fiona-stands-tall.jpg

Jill called Saturday and said she needed to get back to Lakeland on Sunday, so they left a day early. Sunday morning, Carol, Grandaddy and I went to Mass and it was a wonderfully, joyful Mass. The music, the presider (Father Bede) and his homily were all very special. Carol left to go pick up Jill and her son, Sam, after that. They got home to Lakeland at 8 p.m.

Comments (4)


It was great to see Carol and she was helpful in picking out colors and tile for the new bathrooms, but in the end, Jeb picked the color in about 5 seconds (though I would never go with his choice unless Mom and Carol approved it first).


I sent Jeb the pictures to add, but he didn't put them in. Maybe he will this weekend.


"Impatience begets impatience." - Buddah

"Teach a man to fish, and he will ask you about fishing poles." - Twain


What nice pictures!

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