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Internet Phone Wizzard

Internet phone wizard is a hit!
A few weeks ago, ClarkHoward talked about a device called the “Internet Phone Wizard.” He said on air that he was going to try it out and see how it worked. It’s a tiny box that hooks up to your computer and telephone line. Then, if you’re subscribed to an Internet phone service such as Skype, you can talk to people on an actual phone for free. A lot of people don’t want to deal with Internet phone calling because you have to sit in front of a computer and wait for the call. But with the Phone Wizard it rings on your home phone, just like normal. What’s so stunning to Clark is that usually technology doesn’t work as it’s advertised. But the Phone Wizard works just like it says it will and it even improves call quality. If you make mostly domestic calls, it’s not worth it. But, if you have family or friends abroad, consider using it. It costs $50, but it will save you a ton in overseas calls.

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