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Chili Party

We had our 3rd annual Cashin Chili Party today and those who attended were Jeb, Kathy, Nicole, Danny, Kelly, Claire, Ted, Susan, Grant, Jami, Fiona, Michael, Anthony, Ashley, Robert, James, Ed, and John. It was good for cousins to get together and Dad and I really enjoyed all of the young people. Everybody brought cookies to exchange and I am impressed that the 3 single guys - John, Ed, and Ted all made cookies (Susan helped Ted). They were all delicious.

The chili was great, if a little spicy, and everything else worked out well except the Hot Apple Cider. I poured 1/2 gallon into the Christmas teapot that Carol gave me a few years back, added 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 tsp. whole allspice, 1 tsp. whole cloves, and 2 cinnamon sticks. It made the house smell nice. Not very much was consumed, however, and when I tasted it, I thought it was awful. When I checked the laundry room refrig after everybody left, I found that I had actually used 1/2 gallon of sweetened ice tea instead of the apple cider. So, I still have a gallon of apple cider. Anyone want to come over and start all over again?

Comments (3)


Nicole and Kelly thought the hot-apple-tea was pretty bad, but did not say anything. Kelly drank all of hers to be polite.

Mary Claire drank all of hers because she liked it. Sweet Tea + Brown Sugar is right up her sugar alley.

I missed the brew all together. I would have said something. And that is the lesson. We all know Gramalie is a wonderful cook, so if something is wrong the polite thing is to say "Gramalie... this tastes a little different."

I ate 8 cookies. Maybe 10. It was a very fun and the miserable weather outside, made it that much more fun to be cozy inside. Thanks Mom!


Susan said that Kathy and Kelly offered her some "cider" when she arrived. The question is, was this before or after they had tried it?

I enjoyed seeing everybody there and especially the cookies. Thanks, Mom!


ME? I didn't offer anyone cider. I think it might have been Claire. A lot of people get us mixed up though!

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