Bumblebee Nest in Squirrel Nest

Working in the yard, I got a ladder out to remove an old squirrel nest from high up in a our backyard hedge. As I went to pull it out, I noticed two bumblebees land on the nest and climb inside.

I pulled the squirrel nest to the ground and opened it up to see what was inside. I found an orange, waxy mass that turned out to be bumblebee larvae. There was one bee “working” on them.


Meanwhile about five or six bumblebees were flying around the hedge looking for the nest. I put the nest on a lower bush. A few hours later, Kelly and I went to see that the bees had found the nest and were cleaning and feeding the larvae. By evening, the bees had covered up the larvae by moving nesting material around. I’ve never seen a bumble bee nest before.

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