Her “Hotness Rating” (was) Volcanic

If you are ever curious to what the world is looking for on any given day, go visit Google Trends where you can see the top 100 search topics.

With the VP announcement yesterday, almost a quarter of those 100 topics were related to Sarah Palin. Her Google “hotness rating” quickly hit Volcanic.

Today (Saturday of Labor Day weekend) she was quickly pushed to the back of the bus. The hottest topics of the day are “notre dame schedule”, “penn state schedule”, “georgia bulldog schedule” and the like.

As fascinating as this election has been this summer, America is moving on to something more serious for Fall: College Football.

One thought on “Her “Hotness Rating” (was) Volcanic

  1. I tried to do the same thing with Wikipedia, but the latest stats they seemed to have were for May 2008. I’m sure that all kinds of people (me included) looked up her article on Wikipedia yesterday.

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