Website Looks A Little Sparse

Our new pastor, Msgr David, sent me an e-mail saying the website “looked a little sparse.” I suspected it was an older browser issue, so I went looking for a website that would take snapshots of in different browser versions. I had done this in the past, but I’m amazed at how the tools have evolved. I used two sites. (free) and one is (free 24 hours trial.) The latter is really good and worth the trouble to sign up for a free trial. I used a bloglines disposable e-mail address to register, in case I want to sign up again.

It turns out Internet Explorer versions 4, 5, 5.5, and 6 were all suffering from a stylesheet box problem that, through some trial and error, I was able to repair.

These are some of the many snapshots BrowserCam generated for me. (I could zoom into each one.) The second shows the sparse problem.

sjn-ff15-linux.jpg sjn-ie6-win2k.jpg sjn-ie7-xp.jpg

The code fix was associated with a technique to trick IE 5.0 / 5.5 / 6.

#left_menu {

width: 155px;

voice-family: "\"}\"";


width: 155px;


/* CSS1 UAs should see and use 2nd width */

html>body #left_menu { width: 160px }

Well-behaved browsers end up picking up the 160px width. IE 5 and 6 pick up the first 155. 5.5 picks up the second 155.

The numbers are backwards, though, because the 160 should be a smaller number than 155 not larger, so there is probably something else going on. I’m just happy the site is no longer sparse.

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