BetterFileUploader Plugin

Uploading pictures should be a little easier now. Read on if you’d like…


I’ve never liked the upload window in MovableType because you have to do too many steps (and this frustrates my mom.) Typically you have to remember to:

1. Choose “show me the HTML” or risk having the story you just wrote wiped out by the create new entry option.

2. Choose “create thumbnail” or you get a full size image in your story.

3. Change the size of the thumbnail (which by default is big for some reason.)

4. Click on “Embedded Image”.

I’ve installed a plugin called BetterFileUploader that helps with steps 1 and 3. Now show me HTML is selected by default, so mom won’t get her story wiped out. And although you have to still choose thumbnail, the size goes to a default of 150 pixels wide.


The other nice thing is that the current year and month is added to the upload directory. In this way, all of your photos uploaded over time do no accumulate in a single directory. Instead they will be uploaded and stored with some context… the year and month of the article.


3 thoughts on “BetterFileUploader Plugin

  1. I will write a story and post a picture to try it out. Thanks for thinking of me and trying to make my life a bit less confusing.

  2. I’m glad you like BFU! Keep an eye out for BFU2: It will take care of step 2 and help with 4, too. And probably offer some other good stuff for your Mom, too.

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