Hopkin Explained

Ted found this story: Hopkin Explained, the story behind lostfrog.org which is now up to 119 variations. One of my favorites is the modified Pioneer plaque that has left our solar system. This article explains that the plaque will outlast the Earth and the Sun. If the Internet follows us to new worlds, then Hopkin may outlast the Earth and Sun, too.

3 thoughts on “Hopkin Explained

  1. The Voyagers came with laserdiscs. As long as the aliens had a common LD player, they could watch a movie of us. Too bad lasedisc players didn’t catch on any better.

  2. I have a laserdisc player in my office. It weights about 30 pounds and is in a 30 pound anvil carrying case. People sit on it when visiting me. It is left over from our attempt to sell interactive laserdisc training to banks in my early days with Harland.

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