MacFive News 11-2003

Congratulations to Kelly on making Blog-Of-The-Week with her Pumpkin Seeds Mystery posting. Carol’s Pedicure posting earned the previous B.O.T.W.

The home page has been updated and includes the following features:

1. Every hour the home page automatically updates to show new posts. So going to is a great way to see if there are any new articles.

2. The “newspaper column” format includes each Web Log (blog) and the most recent two postings with day and date.

3. The photos on the page “rotate”. Every time you come back or press the refresh button in your browser, they change. Danny claims he pressed the refresh button until they “ran out”. That’s not possible…. I don’t think.

4. The total number of blog entries (articles) is included next to the blog title.

5. The total number of comments to an entry appear next to the entry.

You’ll also notice that most of the blogs have a “Recent Comments” section. Great way to spot new comments to older articles that you might otherwise miss.

Enjoy! Keep posting!

4 thoughts on “MacFive News 11-2003

  1. I like the front page summary. It lets me see if there are comments on any of my postings and what else people have posted without going to each site. Neat-o!

  2. I like the front page listing, too, but I’m starting to feel like I know way too much about the Cashin clan! Poop with pumpkin seeds, Wal-Mart pedicures. Sure makes for interesting reading, though! 🙂

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