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To stitch or not to stitch

Yesterday Eric went out to play some "B-ball" (which is basketball at our house). He came home about 30 minutes later with that somewhat desperate sounding "Mohhhm!" call. He somehow managed to gash his leg just below the knee cap. He went up to make a basket and came down too close to the pole, and a screw sticking out of it by about 1 inch. It looked like his skin and several layers had just been jammed up an inch farther than it should be.
I was thinking stitches. I was also thinking that it was almost 6:00 and the urgent care places would be closed. That would mean sitting for many hours in our way too crowded E.R. with lots of interesting people and their germs.
Luckily Bob came home just in time. He ran up to the drug store and got some butterfly bandages and lots of tape. He came home and operated on Eric's leg until the gash resembled a smiley face with too much lipstick. Bob made sure Eric kept his leg straight. He even bandaged up a soft splint for him to sleep with so he wouldn't bend his leg. He is still keeping his leg straight today. It looks pretty good. Bob says if he can keep it straight another day it shouldn't come back open.
Yea Bob!

Comments (7)


Bob can fix anything! But seriously, is Eric up-to-date on tetanus shots? It might not be a bad idea to see a doctor. You can put Vitamin E on it to avoid scarring though all men's knees are supposed to have scars on them from when they were kids (chins too).


I was sure duct tape was going to work its way into this story. Can the screw be hack-sawed off to avoid a repeat? If not, just wrap the pole and screw over with about 60 feet of duct tape.

despArate... Mom once taught me. Think of the capital letter A dividing the word in two. It's about the only word I know how to spell.


Well, now Bob has another title "Dr. Bob". That was great that he came home to take care of Eric's leg. Ted is right about the tetanus shot.
Jeb, that was not the word with the capital A in the middle, but I can't think of what that word actually was at the moment. Desperate is actually spelled despErate (Carol was right).


That was the only word Jeb knew how to spell and he was spelling it wrong! Jeb's mnemonic devices are sometimes a little lacking. Maybe he could remember the desperate desperados. I think it was "separate" that has an A "separating" the two halves. You could also remember it by thinking of the separating separados.


Luckalee Erics' skool rekuires thim two haf tetnus enjections bi sevenf graid.


sepArate is the word mom taught me. If it is despair why is it desperate? Crazy language, English. Ted, isn't mnemonic spelled pneumonic? (Don't answer.)


I went to school today without much trouble. After putting two butterfly bandages over the gash, we added a gauze pad, and stuck it on with FIVE strips of medical tape. Next came one of thos big strechy ace bandages. The teachers were nice enough to let me prop my leg up on a chair in all my classes.

Im probably going to have a huge scar, but chicks dig scars. Right?

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