Wordle Worditout Word Cloud 1920

Survey #1

This survey was taken in January and February of 2024. It was closed after reaching the goal of 100 responses. Thanks to the 113 Wordlers who answered this survey.

Question #3 and Question #5 have open ended answers. Click on any question to make comments.

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4 responses to “Survey #1”

  1. jeb Avatar

    It is interesting to see the variety of answer of how people use the list. A common theme is that after the first 1 or 2 guesses, the list comes more into play. Click #3 and #5 above to see the open answers.

  2. Peter Kirkham Avatar
    Peter Kirkham

    I use the past answers list after having made a list of all the words I can find after my opening line (or 2nd if the first line draws a blank) which could be a fit and then cross out those which have been past answers.
    It’s getting to the stage now when I think NYT needs to reconsider the policy of not duplicating as it seems that about 40% of possible answers have been used before.
    That gives those of us who use the past answers a big advantage over the bot and other players we may be competing with.

    1. jeb Avatar

      On the otherhand, it gets increasingly more difficult for we list users to think of unused words. It takes more time, but I enjoy the extra engagement. It also means we are eliminating some very good “filter” word combos in positions 1 and 2. Consider how difficult it would be when only 20 words are “left” (if you don’t use burned words at all.)

  3. Elizabeth Austin Avatar
    Elizabeth Austin

    Helpful list. Thank you.