I’m always looking for ways to invest. Lately gold has gone up a lot from $300 per oz a few years ago when all the countries were selling off their gold reserves up to $400 per oz now. So I was wondering how you can buy gold even though I’m not really seriously considering it (Motley Fool points out that if you bought $1 of gold in 1802 that today it would be worth $0.98 adjusted for inflation (however with the US on the gold standard, the value didn’t change by much until the 1970’s when the US finally let the currency float; it’s probably not fair to compare stocks and gold prior to 1971; US bonds would be worth $304; regular bonds $952; and stocks $599,605) but I wanted to know how it would work.

Continue reading “Gold, GOLD, GOOOOLLLDD!!!”

Atlanta Traffic Website

It’s not often there are any perks to working at DOT, but they are letting us test a new traffic website. It will be available to the public but right now it is at a temporary address:

It allows you to customize your view of traffic and add pictures from your favorite traffic cameras, show text from your favorite overhead message signs, and see what the average speed and travel times along interstates. It’s pretty neat. You set up an account and it remembers your settings just like My Yahoo does with news and stocks.

Eventually the current page will be upgraded to the existing site:</A


I knew there was some phrase shorter than “The quick brown fox . . . ” that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet, but I couldn’t remember it. So I started poking around and came across some anagrams which are words or phrases consisting of the same letters (“stop” and “post”). Here is a great one, where each phrase has the same letters, but it is also mathematically correct:

“Eleven plus two” and “Twelve plus one”

That’s almost as good as “Rocket Boys” and “October Sky”

Oh . . . and I found several shorter versions of quick brown fox, but this is the best:

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs

Geeky iPod stuff

I found a program called tunes2html that creates a neat listing of all your iPod’s albums (for some reason, however, my singles show up under G as does my partial Led Zeppelin album). You can dowload it from

So I ran it and you can see the results

Also this weekend I wrote up a page describing iPod battery backups, but I don’t have pictures of the cool one that I made.

Helping people

Yeah, it’s not going to Jamaica or anything, but I still like to help people. So on ipodlounge a guy posted a question:

>>I know that this has been covered numerous times, but I have yet to see a post about the Tivoli radio. I would like to play my iPod thru my Tivoli radio, it has a 1/8 (mini plug) hole in the back labeled MIX IN. would I need a line with a 1/8 jack on both ends’

Thanx for the help.<>Yes<>Thanx for the help, I’m sorry I forgot to mention I have the Tivoli RadioCombo, nontheless, I bought a line at Radio Shack with an 1/8 jack on both ends for $4.99 and am enjoying the iPod thru the Tivoli as we speak.Thanx again and what a great place come for questions.<<