2021 Oscars

As usual, I watched the Oscars this year. But this was a very, very different broadcast. First, not a great year for movies since a lot of movies were postponed with the theaters being closed most of the year. Second, again due to Covid but with things sort of opening safely, they couldn’t have the usual big Oscars, so they had it at a smaller venue with far fewer attendees, and some people at different places remotely (usually venues, not their houses, like some other award shows). That was nice that they could still dress up and be together even if it wasn’t at the Oscars. There seems to have been a pre-Oscars show with some music numbers, but there were no songs played through in the main broadcast and none performed live, since Quest Love acted as a house DJ. I feel like performing all of the nominated songs can be a bit of a time waster, especially when it isn’t a strong category (maybe they could do one or two if they are good). For some reason they also changed the order of the awards. I started recording the show before watching and maybe an hour after the broadcast started but before watching, I checked on Wikipedia to see who had won the early awards, thinking someone had vandalized the page by putting the director of Nomadland as the winner, since that is usually one of the last awards. Not this year. Director often goes to the same as Best Picture, but not always, so it kind of takes some suspense out early about Best Picture, but I do like that they spread out the awards. I still think Best Picture should have gone last instead of Best Actress and then Best Actor, which really backfired on them since Anthony Hopkins won the final award and he wasn’t there or online. So then it was just over.
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A couple of days ago Buddy Baer was barking while looking out the window, which is not that unusual, but I will usually take a look and see what it is. There was nobody out there. But the wind was blowing pretty hard and it is peak pollen season, so there were these clumps of flower stuff that had fallen from oak trees. Those were blowing around and as they moved in the wind, kind of looked like squirrels or some kind of animal rolling around. There was definitely a correlation between movement of these tumbleweeds and Buddy’s barking. It got me wondering what that stuff is called and whether they were really from oaks or not. They are male flowers (pollen producers) from oaks called “catkins.” I don’t think I’d ever heard that word before, which is surprising since they come out every year. But Buddy must have known that it was something that sounded like “cat” since he definitely does not like cats.

K Cups

I have been making coffee in my Aeropress for 11 years now. Over five years ago I started grinding my own coffee beans with a grinder Mom gave me for my birthday. I usually get Eight o’ Clock whole bean Columbian coffee from Publix when they have it on sale for half off (which is at least once a month). It is really cheap that way, but good I think. Every now and then I try something different to make sure I’m not missing out too much.

I collect rewards points through Kellogg’s Family Rewards program, which lets me get free children’s books sometimes, or $5 Best Buy gift cards, and some other stuff. I eat a lot of cereal so I build up a lot of points. Recently they had a deal where if you bought 3 boxes of Special K cereal (which I buy all the time) you could get a 12-pack of K Cups coffee pods (a $7 value!). I don’t have a Keurig coffee maker and don’t really want one because of the cost and waste of the pods, but it was free. The brand is Green Mountain Nantucket Blend (mostly African and Indonesian, I think) and I have been really anticipating getting the coffee since I ordered it in January. The box arrived in the mail today. I opened one of the pods and put the ground coffee into the Aeropress to make a cup of coffee. Lately I have been making iced coffee with milk and sugar, so I made that. It seemed a little weak. I measured the weight of the empty pod and compared that to a full pod and found out there are 9.7 grams of coffee in a pod (looking later, the box says 9.4 g, so that is about right). The Aeropress came with a scoop for coffee which is 3 tablespoons. I measured the weight of my usual one scoop of beans and it was 14.7 grams. So no wonder the pod coffee tasted weak, it was using about 2/3 as much coffee. I could use two pods, but that would probably be too strong, or at least stronger than I am used to. I might try using 2 pods to fill one Aeropress scoop so I could do a better comparison and toss or save the leftover.

I could probably get a better deal on K cup pods, for instance Eight o’Clock pods are only $5.99 instead of $6.99 for Green Mountain at Kroger. And the 50% off price at Publix is very good (actually it looks like when Publix sells bags for Buy One Get One Free, they do the same for the 12-pack of pods), so if instead I compare the pod price to the current price of a bag at Kroger, $4.99, I get 21 servings per bag or $0.24 per cup using bagged coffee. The Eight o’ Clock pods would be $0.50 each, but I would need to make a smaller cup of coffee to get about the same strength. A more honest comparison would determine how many 9.7 g servings (one pod) are in a bag, which would be 32 or $0.16 per cup for the bag coffee, about a third of the cost for the same kind of coffee (though I pay a few cents for a highly overpriced Aeropress filter). So I don’t think I will switch from the pods, but I am happy to try the Nantucket blend, which uses different beans than I am used to.

Universal Box Sets

Last year around September, Universal Studios released several box sets of 10 movies by some of their production companies. There were 10 movies by Illumination who make animated movies like Despicable Me, The Grinch, Secret Life of Pets, and Sing. I already had a lot of those. Another 10-pack of animated movies was by Dreamworks, including Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, and How to Train Your Dragon. I had even more of these. They also released a horror 10-pack by Blumhouse, which specializes in making cheap horror movies. I actually had 2 of these, having bought Get Out and being given a digital copy of Split, but for the most part wouldn’t touch those (not a fan of horror and there are some bad movies, more on that later). The box set that really caught my eye was from Focus Features with artier movies that get a lot of acclaim and Oscar nominations. Somehow I only had two of these as well, Burn After Reading, which I had gotten For $1 at Dollar Tree and paid $2 for a digital copy, and Moonrise Kingdom for which I paid a lot for the Criterion edition and no digital copy. Each box set was now on sale for $39.99 on blu-ray plus a digital copy. $4 per movie is pretty good if there are things you want and you don’t already have many of them. The Focus set, for instance had Brokeback Mountain, which has a lot of acclaim, but I never wanted to see and I didn’t buy it when it was $2 at Fry’s (and maybe $1 at Dollar Tree even, though it seems like that would be hard to pass up). So I tried to do the math and the purchase was kind of marginal, but definitely some good titles plus digital copies. So I ordered it from Amazon and it came yesterday. It isn’t just 10 stand alone blu-ray movies, but an extra thick blu-ray case with 10 discs inside. There was also a sheet of paper with one code you could redeem for all ten movies. When I redeemed it, instead of getting all these great movies, I suddenly had a bunch of movies I didn’t want, the Blumhouse titles! Reading the reviews of the Blumhouse box set, a lot of people said they had gotten the wrong digital movies, so there must have been some mix-up at the factory. I wrote to Universal and hopefully they will send me a new code for the Focus titles. If I had looked closer, the piece of paper actually said Blumhouse of Horrors 10-movie collection on it.
Continue reading “Universal Box Sets”

Time for Beer

The Fall stayed warm for quite a while, so it wasn’t until December that the house was reliably staying below 70 degrees, which is where I want it to be for making beer. I found some cheap dried malt extract on Amazon that I could add to my two remaining batches of Mr. Beer Classic American Lite that I had bought in May 2019 (expires in September this year), but after I ordered Amazon cancelled the order saying it was a pricing error. I didn’t want to pay a lot for extra malt and hops since it didn’t seem to make a lot of difference. But I didn’t want weak beer either, which Mr. Beer usually is by itself. With limited time left until warmer weather, I thought maybe I could just use both cans in one batch, which is sometimes done by people to get a stronger, more flavorful beer. Then I decided that since these came with booster (sugar that adds alcohol, but not taste) I would just make a regular batch. By doing only 2 weeks of fermenting instead of 3 or 4, I should be able to get the second batch in. I think the main reason to ferment in the barrel is to let all the carbon dioxide escape and let the trub settle out. But the activity drops off so quickly, that I don’t think those are big problems after two weeks. The beer will continue to ferment and age in the bottle for another couple of weeks. So I just made a regular batch and it seemed to go pretty smoothly, but this morning there wasn’t much activity. I put the yeast packet in the refrigerator for the last 18 months, but it is pretty old. Maybe it will just take a little while to get going.