First Quarter Results

My web page revenues continue to be way down from the glory days of 2007. The meager results: Amazon revenue was $28 and Google was $17, though my advertiser is still paying regularly for $168 in the quarter.

The big problem is traffic remains low since the migration to iGirder and the disappearance of Speedfactory (which would have necessitated the migration anyway). I am averaging just over 100 visitors per day and the majority of those are for the DeJumbler. I think at the same time there is probably a decrease in interest in iPod battery packs. My other page for fitting the Civic’s Sony radio for an iPod connection grows more and more irrelevant since newer Sony’s (and new cars and other car stereos) have connections for iPod’s built in.

Still for Amazon sales the biggest seller by a longshot was the Turbo Charge charger with 11 units sold. The Maxell pack (which I think has been discontinued) is a distant second with only 4. The most expensive item sold was an APC battery for $34.99. The most unusual items were probably three books about extreme running along with the DVD “Run, Fatboy, Run”.

If you shop at Amazon, you can stop by the iPod Battery Pack Page and visit an Amazon link, or (easier) visit the page I made that takes you straight to Amazon and either start your search or just click the ad (if you don’t see an ad, your browser is blocking it, so you should use the other page).

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