Zillow.com (short for zillions of pillows) lets you look up the value (at least based on the last tax assessment) of your neighbor’s house. It also includes satellite photos, including from different angles! These four pictures are from the North / South / East / West views.
In this North view, the Wrangler is backed out to make room for shooting baskets. Looks like Danny and one of his buddies are taking shots. This is a few years old because you can see where the water main was replaced, and it is the old gray roof. There is something on the bench. The pond, with no plants in the winter, stands out because of its black bottom.

In this east view, the red Wrangler is back in its normal place. The white van is in the garage. You can see the green roof of “Fort Charlie” to the left.

In this south view, you can clearly see the porch and deck that Grant built. Fort Charlie is to the left, and the picnic table that I built out of the old deck can be seen bottom left. That’s Danny’s window in the back. Can’t tell if he is in there.

In this West view, both the white van and my green jeep are backed out, which is interesting timing. Must have been cleaning out the garage. You can clearly see the shed that Grant and Scott built in the upper right. That little window is to Kathy and my room. No water main scar in the front yard. The giant oak is in the foreground.

Bin Laden does not appear to be anywhere in these photos. Could we please put our expensive satellites to some use better than photographing our houses?