Over a year ago Kelly decided to grow her hair long enough to donate to Locks of Love which is a program that helps poor kids suffering from long term medical hair loss get free hairpieces. She needed an extra 10 or 11 inches. She was a bit worried about getting it cut short right before entering high school for the first time. You know high school. Wouldn’t want to be pegged as part of the “short hair crowd” day one.
One advantage of the program is that you get a free haircut with any stylist that supports the program. The stylist handles proper cutting and submitting of the hair. However, Kelly’s regular place was not part of the program. This meant she had to go to “Studio 21 Hair Salon” which is the fanciest barbershop in Snellville. The girl that cut Kelly’s hair was very careful and did a great job. Kelly ended up getting a $60 haircut for free. She looks older and more sophisticated with her new haircut.
Just in time for high school where they will peg her day one as being part of that “sophisticated crowd.” I just think she looks like part of the cute crowd.
Claire is also growing her hair for Locks of Love but reports her haircut will likely be in January. (Future link.)