Locks of Love

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Over a year ago Kelly decided to grow her hair long enough to donate to Locks of Love which is a program that helps poor kids suffering from long term medical hair loss get free hairpieces. She needed an extra 10 or 11 inches. She was a bit worried about getting it cut short right before entering high school for the first time. You know high school. Wouldn’t want to be pegged as part of the “short hair crowd” day one.

One advantage of the program is that you get a free haircut with any stylist that supports the program. The stylist handles proper cutting and submitting of the hair. However, Kelly’s regular place was not part of the program. This meant she had to go to “Studio 21 Hair Salon” which is the fanciest barbershop in Snellville. The girl that cut Kelly’s hair was very careful and did a great job. Kelly ended up getting a $60 haircut for free. She looks older and more sophisticated with her new haircut.

Just in time for high school where they will peg her day one as being part of that “sophisticated crowd.” I just think she looks like part of the cute crowd.

Claire is also growing her hair for Locks of Love but reports her haircut will likely be in January. (Future link.)

Jeep Out Back

Kathy decided we should remove the low brick wall at the end of the driveway. The basketball was putting cracks in it and she thought it was a hazard to playing kids. She has never really liked the wall. I think it was put in place to force water to run down the sidewalk instead of through the back yard, which was a mess, so I ended up taking a piece of the wall out years ago.

One advantage to no longer having the wall at the end of the driveway…


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Andrew Wins This Time



January – Andrew

February – Uncle Jeb

March – Uncle Jeb

April – Andrew

May – Andrew

June – Andrew

July – Uncle Jeb

August – Andrew

September – Uncle Jeb

October – andrew

November – andrew

December -andrew

Andrew 8 months

Uncle Jeb 4 months

Nicole In A Blue Hippo

Nicole In Blue HippoNicole writes:

…Sometimes I forget I have a camera. Here is a funny picture from the tour. Have you heard of South of the Border? It is 0.1 mile south of the North Carolina border, in South Carolina. There are billboards for it that stretch 40 miles before you get there. You may have, it is 40 years old and one of the silliest places I have ever been.

*see hippo attached to e-mail.

Bullfrog #4 Gone

I’m getting pretty good at catching bullfrogs. Number 4 moved in a few weeks ago. Not quite full size yet. With the discovery of the little yellow-bellied-slider, which we’d like to keep as a pet, I was concerned that a bullfrog might eat him while still small.

Bullfrogs are real pests and bad for almost everything alive around them their size or smaller. I put him in a plastic bag in the refrigerator to let him slip into a permanent hibernative state. I’ve tried this before, and it didn’t work this time either. Sure enough a scream from the garage. Kelly thought it was a dog yelping. Nope. Kathy had found a Belk’s bag in the refrigerator and wondered what was in it. As she started to untie it, the bag moved. That’s when she yelped like a dog.

I let the chilly bullfrog go in the storm drain, as I did with #3. He hopped in just fine.

Our Father Who Art in Ireland

Grandad returns from Ireland tomorrow. I’m driving down to the airport to pick up the 4 Irish golfers. He was able to play two warm up rounds of golf before he left, and he felt fine. That was 4 and 5 five days after heart surgery to install a second stent. His second game was against (with?) Danny. They had a nice outing and Danny claims to only have lost three balls. Grandad reported: “I like Danny. He’s a good guy. Of course I liked him before I played golf with him…”

Idol Chatter

Spotted Bob on line just moments before Taylor Hicks was announced the 2006 American Idol winner. Sitting in the basement with Kathy, Kelly, Claire and the dogs. It was really a pretty good 2 hour show.


Baby Turtle in Pond

A few years ago I spotted a baby turtle swimming in our backyard pond when mowing the yard. I never saw it again, and certain members of the family thought I was seeing things. I spotted another one in the pond while working in the yard this weekend. This time Stout and I were able to take some photographs. Kelly also witnessed the find.

I suspect the one I saw before was eaten by a bullfrog. We no longer tolerate bullfrog tenants, so maybe this little turtle (which could be a baby snapper Yellow Bellied Slider!) will survive longer. We also no longer have goldfish, so the pond is now a wild free-for-all. No bullfrogs invited, though.

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Kelly’s theory is that the minows and lake water she and Claire brought to the pond (to eat mosquitos and bugs) earlier in the year may have included a turtle egg. Maybe so. He does have little webbed feet and is an excellent swimmer.

Zillow.com’s Birds Eye View

Zillow.com (short for zillions of pillows) lets you look up the value (at least based on the last tax assessment) of your neighbor’s house. It also includes satellite photos, including from different angles! These four pictures are from the North / South / East / West views.

In this North view, the Wrangler is backed out to make room for shooting baskets. Looks like Danny and one of his buddies are taking shots. This is a few years old because you can see where the water main was replaced, and it is the old gray roof. There is something on the bench. The pond, with no plants in the winter, stands out because of its black bottom.


In this east view, the red Wrangler is back in its normal place. The white van is in the garage. You can see the green roof of “Fort Charlie” to the left.


In this south view, you can clearly see the porch and deck that Grant built. Fort Charlie is to the left, and the picnic table that I built out of the old deck can be seen bottom left. That’s Danny’s window in the back. Can’t tell if he is in there.


In this West view, both the white van and my green jeep are backed out, which is interesting timing. Must have been cleaning out the garage. You can clearly see the shed that Grant and Scott built in the upper right. That little window is to Kathy and my room. No water main scar in the front yard. The giant oak is in the foreground.


Bin Laden does not appear to be anywhere in these photos. Could we please put our expensive satellites to some use better than photographing our houses?

Easter Contests

Gramalie and Grandad had us over for Easter lunch and what turned into a series of contests. Gramalie’s lunch was delicious with the oldest and youngest eating on the porch and all the middle-agers eating in the dining room.

Grandad, Danny, and Nicole helped hide all of the Easter Eggs for the annual hunt. This would be Kelly’s last try at winning a silver dollar (she won one in the early years) since she is going to be in high school next Easter. Kelly and Claire were given a 10 egg limit each. Claire ran around with great speed, strategically shaking the eggs in search of the illusive Silver Dollar. Fiona ended up finding the silver dollar, but she seemed more interested in the chocolate that came with it. Grant quickly hid the silver dollar in his truck just to make sure Uncle Jeb did not steal it to give to Claire. Not sure why this family believes in conspiracy theories.

It was an unusually warm Easter day, so we spent most of the time outside. Grant, Kelly, and Danny had a berry tossing contest. Claire, Kelly, Danny, Fiona, and Jami all participated in a run-around-the-house contest, Grandad and myself being dual timers.

Ted, Kelly, Michael, and Claire were seen playing baseball (see photo). Danny, Claire, and Kelly had a “hang from the tree” contest.

Susan rested her voice after having to sing through three services in the morning. Jeb and Kathy mostly took pictures, which can be seen at: http://stonegate.fiveforks.com/gallery/Easter-2006. The Lakeland gang were surely missed. We could have used the competition.