Nicole and Danny competed for the first time on the same athletic team tonight. Nicole missed the first swim meet of the season because of her trip to Washington D.C. with Grandad and Gramalie. At that meet, Danny swam freestyle and backstroke. He came in a very close second in freestyle. Then he swam a very graceful backstroke (much to my amazement) and beat everyone else. In fact, his backstroke was two seconds faster than his freestyle! Danny’s backstroke time was best in the county for the week.
Tonight, Nicole got a second place for swimming on a relay team. She scored 4th in both freestyle and backstroke, which is pretty good since she is on the young side of her age group. I was impressed with how she maintained a good stroke for both laps. She has a little work to do on not smashing her head on the turn (ouch) and not touching the bottom towards the end! (She didn’t get caught.)
Danny (who is on the old side of his age group) got a first place in freestyle and backstroke. This time his freestyle was faster.
It’s good to see them pull for one another. Brothers and sisters don’t always do this day to day. Sometimes it takes a little pressure or competition to get them working together.