The four of us went over to Bob and Carol’s. We set the kids up in a back room and watched 3 hours of Oliver Stone’s “JFK”. The movie was long, but raised many curious questions. How that single bolt rifle could have fired off 3 quick rounds accurately is the strangest. Either there was a conspiracy among men, or physics conspired with Oswald.
I looked over and caught Kathy timing her contractions. She was getting worried, so we grabbed an umbrella and took a walk down the street in the drizzle. Bob and Carol greeted us when we came back, half expecting us to bring in a baby, I think. But the contractions settled down. Another false alarm.
Today is the official due date. Kathy had looked down at her stomach earlier on Saturday and said, “Tomorrow is your birthday. You don’t want to miss it!”
Happy Birthday, new kid. Where are you?