I’m typing this on my MacBook…

… which is a good thing.

This morning, mad dash to airport, out to car w/ Claire to drive her to school. Spun around outside of car hearing Clyde barking loud. Couldn’t tell if he was inside or out, didn’t want him jumping the wireless fence, went inside, found him, told him to hush, back to car, got in started up, backing out of garage about six feet “clunk”. Brake.

Uh-oh… luggage?

Pulled forward. Jumped out, middle of driveway briefcase laying down about 3 feet back, taller roller luggage standing about 6 feet back.

Ugh. Ran over my briefcase (with gas tank not wheels). Had put down with suitcase *before* opening trunk! Dang!

Leather scraped on concrete, flap open, corner of laptop a bit scraped. Otherwise working fine. Shoe polish will cure the leather briefcase. Maybe emery cloth on the aluminum.

I ran over my Mac.

Bad dog.

4 thoughts on “I’m typing this on my MacBook…

  1. P.S. And in all the hussle, I forgot to take my knife off of my keychain. But it made it through the scanner. So there is a bright side.

  2. The gas tank is in the back of the car (under the trunk.) So that’s what pushed over and scraped the briefcase on the ground as I backed up. I wanted to clarify that vs. the wheel, which would have been awful. Maybe I should do a video reenactment.

  3. That reminds me of Bob with his new Palm pilot. He put it on top of his car and drove off. It was almost new. He found it in the road crunched. He bought a new one just like it. I always said he got 1 for the price of 2.

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