Stout and the Bee

Kelly told us all week how Stout was protecting her from bees. If bees came near her, she could call Stout and he would jump, bark, and snap at the bees to chase them away. Since I’ve never been able to get Stout interested in chasing away roaches, I wasn’t sure why he was deciding to chase bees, but Stout and Kelly have a special relationship.

Kelly sent me this amazing photo on Friday. I’m including two sizes. The left is screen size and the right is high resolution.

stout-and-bee-25.jpg stout-and-bee.jpg

I asked her if she has used photoshop, and she said no, that it was a real shot. I later noticed how she had made all but Stout and the bee black and white. Kelly admitted she had used Photoshop to do that. I hadn’t even noticed it at first, but it really made the bee and Stout stand out. She then said she had made the bee a little bigger.

“Well that’s using Photoshop,” I told Kelly. She thought I meant had she taken two pictures and merged them. She meant the photo was real. Enhancing photos is just something she does with almost every photo she takes. That’s normal.

I showed this photo to some of our designers at work. They were impressed. The whole idea that kids have grown up enhancing photos on the fly is something new. It used to take chemicals and dark rooms to do what Kelly did with this photo… and forget making the bee bigger.

I think it was a great shot, enhancements and all. I hope there is some money in her future with this kind of creativity.

One thought on “Stout and the Bee

  1. *likes this photo*

    Kelly is quite talented for this sort of thing. Hey Kelly, will you give me some lessons on PhotoShop?

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