Kathy and Danny on Deck

Danny has been helping repair and repaint Gramalie’s deck over the past week. That got Kathy inspired. This is the second time we’ve stained the deck since Grant built it. Seems to hold up ok for about three years, but our dogs’ nails scratching off the red/brown stain make us wish we had gone with a lighter color. But it looks good for now, and the dogs are currently banned from the deck.

kathy-danny-on-deck-1.jpg   kathy-danny-on-deck-2.jpg

My only contribution was these photographs and helping Danny move the grill. I didn’t want to get in the way of the fine job the two of them were doing.

One thought on “Kathy and Danny on Deck

  1. It looks like the same color as my deck. I did not help Danny at all. He did it all by himself. He replaced 2 boards, pressure cleaned the deck, and painted it, and removed 2 big dead limbs from a tree. He did a good job.

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