A Fuller


“And his garments became shining, and exceedingly white as snow, so as no fuller on earth can make white.”

Sounds like a quote describing Gandalf. But it is from today’s gospel Mark 9:3. What is a fuller, I wondered.

3 thoughts on “A Fuller

  1. It’s funny how you can read and reread a verse from the Bible and then some word comes off the page at you. That was interesting about the word “fuller”. I have never noticed that.

  2. I have gotten into the habit of using a NIV Bible because it is easier to read. That verse for instance says “His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.”

    I guess it’s the lazy way since I didn’t even know to look up what a fuller was and now I know.

  3. Ah. The “A” through “O” volume of the unabridged, used copy of the 1971 Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary I got on amazon.com for $50 is going to come out of its box tonight! … along with the magnifying glass you need to read it!

    Fuller …

    1. One whose occupation is to full cloth.

    Great. There are five pages of stuff for “full”. Maybe I can find the verb that can apply to cloth. Let’s see… for verbs, the first (obsolete) definition is “baptise” or “consecrate fully”, strangely enough.

    OK. The third verbal definition is “to tread or beat (cloth) for the purpose of cleansing and thickening it; hence, to cleanse and thicken (cloth, etc.).”

    There ya go. Whadda ya know?

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